Once at the town swimming pool, When I was a girl, Someone pointed out to me My mother’s high-school boyfriend A blobby man in the water Hair on his back Walrus-like Flopping around I felt no affinity Now I am the mother Of three kids, one merely an infant Plus an ex boyfriend to my credit And a husband who has met expectations Except he drinks too much On the weekends I imagine a reel-to-reel tape recorder Rew
So I am here at this extremely busy And inconvenient international airport, Plenty early for my departure to Mundanetown, U.S.A, To visit family, But lo and behold And similar expressions The departure down the corridor Is nonstop to Buenos Aires, Where we went on our honeymoon All those years ago, before the Divorce, of Course. So I meander over, And find a lounge decked out in Vibrant colors, a South American airli